
Català Anglès
arbre tree
arbust shrub
auró maple
branca branch
brot shoot / bud
brotar to sprout
card thistle
clavell carnation
desmai weeping willow
figuera fig tree
flor flower
gerani geranium
gira-sol sunflower
gla acorn
heura ivy
margarida daisy
nenúfar water lily
om elm
orquídia orchid
ortiga nettle
palmera palm tree
perenne perennial
pètal petal
pi pine
poda pruning
podar to prune
ponsètia poinsetta
rosa rose
rosella poppy
roser rose bush
roure oak (tree)
saba sap
salze willow
taronger orange tree
tija stem
tulipa tulip
xiprer cypress